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Tax Accountants

Why excess super contributions can be expensive.

Super contributions refer to contributions made to an individual’s superannuation fund, typically by an employer or the individual. These contributions are made on top of the mandatory contributions set by the government and are designed to boost the individual’s retirement savings. The contributions may be pre-tax, post-tax, or a combination of both and may attract […]

bad debt

9 Ways to Avoid Bad Debts in Your Business.

Stick To Your Payment Terms It is crucial to set the payment terms in writing with every client. This allows for a clear understanding of your relationship and protects your business. The terms should state that all costs associated with recovering outstanding invoices will be borne by the client. Make sure you always have your invoices […]

Difference between tax accountants and tax agents.

Difference between tax accountants and tax agents.

The financial sector has many jobs the most popular of which are tax agents and accountants. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, they’re not identical. What is the distinction between accountants for tax and professionals? We’ll provide short descriptions of the differences and similarities of these services, as well as their essential roles in […]

Best Tax Accountants in Sydney

Who is the best accountant in Sydney?

DS accountants and advisors are the best accountants in Sydney. We can handle all your tax, accounting, and accounting needs and offer all necessary services as the top tax professionals in Sydney. Accounting, Taxation, and Bookkeeping are daunting jobs. Our team here at DS Accountants and Advisors is in this business to help you with […]

who are tax agents

Who Can Give Tax Advice in Australia?

Tax agents provide you with tax-related advice in Australia. They are either individuals or businesses who prepare tax returns for you. They provide professional help to businesses and individuals who cannot or do not want to do their taxes by themselves. The tax agent is an accountant who has been specifically trained to file and prepare […]

Ways to Save Money on a Low Income

If you’re seeking to make savings with a low income it may seem like an uphill climb. However, don’t let a poor income stop you from achieving your saving goals! Don’t feel that you have to put your goals, like retirement or a mortgage down payment on hold. There are a few inventive ways to make money even […]

6 Ideas You Can Adopt To Save Money?

6 Ideas You Can Adopt To Save Money?

It is a relief knowing that you’ll be able to achieve the goals of buying a home and retiring comfortably. Saving money is the most important factor for all those. To save cash, there’s no have to make drastic changes to your life. It’s not necessary to locate a job with a salary of 5 times the […]

Factors to consider when making investment decisions

Factors to consider when making investment decisions

Investing refers to the act of investing resources, often money, in the hopes of making profits. There are many types of investments, from fixed-term deposits and savings accounts to the stock market and property shares. Individuals choose their investments based on their goals, needs, and interests. Before making an investment decision, there are many factors […]

5 Smart Ways to make use of your tax refund this year

5 Smart Ways to make use of your tax refund this year

Your tax refund for the year can be an ideal opportunity to save money, get rid of the burden of debt, or take a ‘long-term view for your kids. This year, prior to you heading to the stores in search of a tax-free purchase, think about the way your tax refund might be the most […]