Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle



Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Where is your office located?
We are located at Suite 3, 121-127 Railway Parade, Granville, NSW 2142.
How can we get connected?
Give us a call or send an email our email is info@dsaccountant.com.au and our number is +61 414 532 390
Will I be penalized for lodging my return late?
You should make every effort to lodge your return by the due date. If you are late, you may receive a fine or interest penalty charge from the ATO. Another benefit of being a DS Accountants & Advisors client means that we may be able to help you minimize charges with our lodgement extension/remittance.
Do I have to lodge a tax return?
Most people need to lodge a tax return each year. If you had tax taken from any income you received during the financial year, you need to lodge a tax return. However, there are certain exceptions based on age, income, and expenses. Your best bet is to contact us for a no-obligation chat.
How long will my refund take?
Generally, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) takes up to 12 working days to process returns. However, if the ATO exceeds its standard processing time, then we will follow up the process and ensure that it is processed as soon as possible.
Can I claim any deductions if I have no receipts?
There may be some circumstances where receipts are not required, but to maximize your tax deductions we highly recommend that you keep all your receipts related to work and business.
I only worked a few weeks this year. Will I get all of my tax back?
Taxes are calculated based on the whole financial year. If you earn less than the tax-free threshold (currently at $18,200) you may get your tax back, depending on your circumstances.
Do I have to declare income from Centrelink (Newstart, Ausstudy) on my tax return?
All income must be declared. This is because the tax office needs to determine what tax rate applies to your other earnings for the year. You may be entitled to an offset to ensure that no tax is payable on your benefit.
Is there a limit on how much I can claim as a tax deduction each year?
There is no limit on the amount claimed each year, provided the expenses are necessarily incurred in earning your income. The expenditure must be work-related and you may need receipts to substantiate the expenditure. Keeping incomplete, incorrect, or no records at all may be limiting your ability to claim deductions.
How long do I need to keep my receipts?
Documentary evidence should be kept for five years from the date of lodgement of the tax return in which the claims are made. If you are depreciating an asset the receipt should be kept until the item is fully depreciated (even if over 5 years).
I have just moved permanently to Australia. Do I have to pay tax on the money that I have brought with me?
You will only have to pay tax on any earnings you make from the time that you moved to Australia. If the money that you brought with you earns interest in a bank account you will have to pay tax on the interest.
Can I claim fees paid to my tax agent?
Fees paid to a registered tax agent (DS Accountants And Advisors) for the preparation of your return, amendments and generally handling of your tax matters are all deductible.

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